Earn a free Uber ride (up to 25AED) using these steps : Download the App from the Google Play or Apple App store Sign up by making an Uber account Login to your account and click on the PAYMENT menu Enter the promo code " uberjeanke " with PROMOTIONS Automatically you'll get up to 25AED discount on your next Uber taxi ride! P.S. This promo code is only valid for 'new' Uber accounts/users. Enjoy and spread the news
Uber is planning a spooky surprise for riders this Halloween – with free Rolls Royce rides being given away in Dubai . A special 'ghost' option will appear on the app for lucky users between 6pm and midnight on Wednesday October 31 2018. It's the perfect way to get to that big Halloween party, and there's loads going on across the city. To request an UberGHOST , all you need to do is download the app, then choose the option after filling in your details. Then enter your destination and tap 'confirm' before enjoying your spook-tacular ride with treats from Candylicious Don't forget that you can also get 25AED Uber-credit on your first ride !